Dr. Marcia Schulmeister, Ph.D., P.G.


mschulme@ku.edu | 913-897-8426

Lindley Hall, 316B , 1475 Jayhawk Blvd. , Lawrence, KS 66045

Regents Center, 2D , 12610 Quivera Rd., Overland Park, KS 66213

Irrigation, agricultural chemicals, and unstable slopes. Phu Tab Burg, Thailand (Schulmeister,2019)

About me:

Hello! I joined Department of Geology at the University of Kansas in July, 2020 as a hydrogeology professor and the director of KU's new professional graduate programs in environmental geology. Prior to that, I worked as a Professor at Emporia State University (for 17 years) and as a professional geologist in the U. S. and abroad. I have also enjoyed some unique, non-university teaching experiences. Please click here to learn more about my past professional and teaching jobs.

Ph.D., 2000, The University of Kansas (Geology/Hydrogeology)

(see my story in the G-Hawker alumni magazine, here.)

M.S., 1991, Michigan State University (Geology/Geochemistry)

B.S., 1985, University of Illinois (Geology)

Awards and Titles:

  • Fellow, Geological Society of America

  • Fulbright Scholar, U.S. Dept of State, Also see: Crystal Lake Herald hometown news story (Go Gators!)

  • Professor of Geology, Emporia State University

  • 2017 Recipient, Ruth Schillinger Award for Service to Women of Emporia State University

  • Visiting Scientist, Chinese Academy or Science, Shijiazhuang, China

  • Visiting International Scholar, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

  • Registered Professional Geologist #138, State of Kansas (students, look here for details on the Geologist License Exam)

Affiliated Field Stations

My field-based courses are taught at three university-owned facilities: For a look at new KU hands-on workshop course activities, See: https://edwardscampus.ku.edu/blog/environmental-geology-psm-combines-experiential-online-learning and drive.google.com/file/d/1apeadBo2mXBwz7WUJA_EVUKiGJ2XaWIX/view?usp=share_link


KU's Geology Field Station, Arkansas River basin, Canon City, Colorado

The University of Kansas Geology Department owns a geology field station near Canon City in Colorado. KU's Hydrogeology Field Camp class was established at the facility in 2018 and will be taught again in the summer of 2022. Nearby gold and sliver mines, regional irrigation systems, and access to Fourmile Creek, provide opportunities for environmental study.

photos courtesy of Diane Silver, DianeSilver.net

ESU's Hydrogeology On-campus Teaching and Research Station along the Neosho River in Emporia, Kansas

At Emporia State, I created a hydrogeology teaching and research station through partnerships with industry and government colleagues. ESU is the only university in Kansas with a hydrogeology teaching and research station located right in the middle of campus. In addition to its Neosho River access, it hosts 12 monitoring wells, 6 multilevel samplers, lysimeters, and 5 buried "mystery targets" used for demonstrating hydrogeophysical methods. To read all about ESU's field-based program click here. The "Hands-on" experience gained at this site helped many ESU students gain employment in environmental geology jobs (see Hydrogeology Alumni)

Kite aerial image by James Aber. All other photos taken by M.K. Schulmeister

KU's Geohydrologic Experimental and Monitoring Station on the floodplain of the Kansas River, Lawrence, KS