Environmental Field Exercises
GO 580 Envrironmental Field Methods
Earth Science Department,
Emporia State University, Kansas, U.S.A.
Click here for NGWA newletter article about Hydrogeology at ESU
Our "playing field"--ESU's Practice Athletic (and Hydrogeologic!) Fields, situated atop the Wiggam and EmporiaTerraces of the Neosho River floodplain.
"Team Floodplain"(Class of 2004): "Varsity Players" (graduate students), David Lawrenz, Jon Vopeta, Shawn Salley, "Head Coach", Marcia Schulmeister, and "JV Superstar" (ES senior), Josh Ashley.
Class of 2005: "MVP", Amelia Hess and "rookie", Natasha Patenaude.
"Trainer" and Earth Science Department Technician, Roger Ferguson.
Special thanks to our own "Booster Club" (ESU Facilities and Adminstration Staff, Dick Weatherhold, Bruce Love, and John Blaufuss) for encouraging the development of hydrogeologic research at ESU, and to industry supporters, Larsen and Associates Inc. (Lawrence, Ks), HydroLogic Inc. (Eudora, Ks.), Geoprobe Systems , YSI Environmental, and Heron Instruments for providing invaluable services and resources in support of our program.
Electromagnetic Induction Surveys
Surface geophysical measurements made with an EM38 unit complement direct-push EC measurements to allow for high-resolution subsurface characterization (Left: Josh dodges a javelin in the name of science).
Direct-Push Methods
Electrical Conductivity Logging
Sensor is pushed into the ground.
For Tyler and Kevin, it's worth dodging a few Hornet practice punts, to see what's beneath the goal marker.
Electrical Conductivity measured in realtime.
The team gets a boost from Wes McCall (Geoprobe Systems) as ground-water samples are obtained from discrete depths using direct-push sampling tools. Samples are filtered and dissolved ion concentrations are measured are made using a field spectrophotometer.
Direct-Push Slug Testing
What's a pneumatic slug test? A discussion ensues prior to starting the test. "All for one..." (opening up the screen prior to conducting a direct-push pneumatic slug test). After opening the screen, Jon purges it with a check valve
Soil Coring
Four-foot sections of a continuous soil core are brought to the surface in plastic sleaves. Looks like it hit the the terrace chert gravel. Every picnic table was scavaged from nearby Wilson Park to construct an outdoor soil lab.
The Slug Test Exercise
Stream Water Sampling
GPS and Transit Surveys
Shawn, Josh, and Jon use an Engineer's Transit to measure elevations of the tops of the wells. While Kevin uses GPS to determine their UTM locations (and longs to toss a shotput).